NO BS Baby Product Guide

Nov 23, 2024


and lucky? for you - your analysis paralysis internet BFF now has 18mos of mothering experience and baby product research under her belt. 


My only mission for dropping this No BS baby product "guide" is to help you (and other parents) make decisions + gather insights from a soon-to-be mom of 2 who...

  1. Isn't being told what to say / or sponsored by a brand to make this post
  2. Doesn't simply fold to marketing messages. I research like it's my job (this can be a weakness of mine too lol!)
  3. Is hardly incentivized to spend HOURS compiling this info. Transparently, there are some affiliate links here where I mention products. While I so appreciate you using them if you find my insight valuable, the revenue is minuscule and as you can see - I do not run ads/have ad placements on my blog here generating revenue.  


Buckle up, grab your coffee to sip, and get ready to bookmark this on browser bc I DID NOT SKIMP. This is not just a ~baby items we LOVE~ list. This is a carefully curated guide INCLUDING the whys behind my purchases and baby products I love (and hate lol). 

Alright now before we dive in... one last preface:


EVEN IF you go bare bones with the most budget-friendly route for all baby needs... it's still going to cost you several thousand $$ (not including medical expenses!!) to get your little babe through the first year of life.


^^ I say this in bold because I find that the "American Dream" pushes a timeline for having children & talk track that leads new/aspiring parents to neglect proper financial planning before doing so. Having kids in America is HARD... and expensive. Throw that on top of your critical need to properly invest for retirement (news flash - there are NO loans for retirement & the average monthly social security benefit is only $1,920/mo), the student loan crisis, the current housing market, etc, etc etc... understanding the costs you will incur as a parent is critical for your financial well-being BEFORE choosing to become one. Sadly, far too many parents step off the financial cliff into parenthood completely blind to the financial headwind they are about to take on- and while yes some can "figure it out" without a ton of stress- for many this lack of knowledge and preparation leads to years of unhealthy and unwanted financial anxiety and pressure. I'm not saying there is an income requirement to becoming a parent and I don't want to devalue the fulfillment and joy that can come with raising a child. I simply feel awareness is key for your health and your child's health. And that proper financial awareness & planning is often lacking when planning or choosing to have children. 


That being said... Like I have already alluded to, I am the organized, type A sort of planner who overanalyzes and gets into the nitty gritty details most people don't. And this engine within me went full steam ahead when it came to detailing out needs for my first son James because...


I had to pick my jaw up off the floor a few times looking at random registries of influencers, etc on Babylist that totaled to ~$15K worth of goods.


I'm not kidding, I looked at the registry of someone who I sincerely respect & value their opinion.. it totaled $20K worth of items!!! I thought to myself, this is insane. There is NO WAY all this is necessary (turns out, I was right lol). The marketing and over-consumption in this space will make your head spin. Or it might just make you cry, lol. I, for one, definitely cried out of just sheer overwhelm as my type A, yet budget-conscious brain, began to research for my first baby registry a couple years ago now. 


If you know me, you know I also firmly believe in spending in alignment with your values to get the most bang for your buck. This means I do not always buy the cheapest product. For high use items like stroller, baby mattress, recliner, etc - you will see I did not go the most budget-friendly route. SO far, zero regrets. Cheap does not always = worthwhile. Please know the splurgy items on this list were carefully thought about, so far are holding up well moving into 2 kids, and will likely have decent resale values when we choose to be "done" having babies. 


So here's how this is going to go down...


  • First, I am going to provide my product reviews and recommendations categorically (Sleep/Nursery, Car Seats, Gear, Eat, etc). After 18 months of motherhood and who knows how many hours spent researching baby products - I am still not an expert by any means but I am  sharing the products I would buy 10x over (again your values might not align with mine, that is OK!) along with some I got and don't like, in addition to some I believe are just backed by bogus marketing. 
  • Second, I will share my tips & $avvy tricks to help you (or others buying items for you!) save big money on purchases.
  • Lastly, I will link my Amazon storefront if you desire to look at every single product we use and love sorted by age. 




Mal's guide to the "must have" items. What I went with & WHY + Alternatives I explored. 


Really quick here, I want to reiterate again that everyone has different values. There is no "wrong" choice if your purchase aligns with your values, family needs, etc! You are not less than if you purchase the cheaper car seat that YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE with or the pricey baby monitor that eases your anxiety. 

😘 Your values may not align with mine and you may think I am coo-coo in a couple of areas... that's OK! I am sharing this information to help you with your research - because I have found in this whole baby space you will hear THIS baby monitor or mattress is the best, but in reality, while those items might be popular and the best for some - they may not actually align with your values (or budget!) and research is so important! 






First and foremost, the one thing I DON'T SEE ON ANY BABY REGISTRY GUIDE - an air purifier. This is the one we have in both nurseries. I'm not a physician and will not claim to be one. But, when going through some of my fertility issues I learned about the science behind air purification (here & here are articles from credible publications if interested in learning more) and the impact it can have on your health.  Indoor air purification in our bedrooms is one of the simplist & easiest things we can do to help maintain well-being. Think about how many HOURS your child will spend in their crib + how many breaths they will take there. I personally like to address low-hanging fruit before even beginning to stress about breastfeeding vs formula or ~insert other highly debated wellness topic~... so indoor air purification in the nursery was a no brainer for me. 


CRIB MATTRESS (a splurge due to my values - and a purchase I have strayed away from the mainstream reccos with both babies)

This is hands down the item I researched the most. You've likely heard me discuss this mattress on IG bc I DO NOT GET the hype around the "leading" mattress. Spoiler alert, it's just good influencer marketing. 

I recruited Boomer Brenda - my mom - to help me here. For those of you who don't know, my mom is an OB-GYN with 35 years of experience. I won't get into her resume here, but she takes a more functional approach to medicine than most OBs and spent the final 20 years of her career running her own functional medicine practice for women. You will notice as we move along here, one of my "values" is limiting exposure to toxins inside the home where bang for the buck is high. I will not go crazy trying to eliminate every possible toxin in my child's life, but certain areas where it is really easy to do so, like where they will lay their head and breathe in and out for hours and hours and years on end - the bang for your buck is high and effort is low. Sharing this context only as this is what drove my decision and research! You may not feel the same about exposure to certain chemicals found in mattresses - just like I am willing to drink my full 200mg of caffeine a day during pregnancy while others don't feel great about that! 

Ok, that being said & given my value primarily being investing in the best "non-toxic" mattress... 

For both babies, we now have Naturepedic mattresses (20% off currently for Black Friday - just FYI - I have truly only seen them on sale this time of year)

For James, we have used this mattress -  the Classic Organic Cotton Lightweight 2 Stage version (non-breathable) since day 1. Zero complaints 18mo in.

  • I like that it has a wipe clean waterproof surface. I also got the Waterproof crib mattress protector here just for another layer of protection and ease of cleaning. 
  • I like that it is 2 sided - an extra firm infant side to help reduce the risk of SIDs per the American Academy of Pediatrics - and then a softer toddler side you can flip over to once they are 1 year+ for more longevity with the mattress. We plan to keep James in a crib so long as he can fit in one lol, so the 2 stage option definitely provides bang for the buck. 

For Baby #2, solely for the purposes of helping you and trying to understand the breathable mattress hype myself - we got the Lightweight 2 Stage Breathable version of the Naturepedic Organic Crib Mattress. 

  • If breathability is something that will help ease your mind at night, roll with it! You gotta do you. I will simply share FWIW - I was never once concerned about James' air flow/passage blocking even when he slept face down in the early days! All infant mattresses have to pass regulated requirements for firmness to help prevent blockage of airways. The infant side of the Classic 2 Stage Naturepedic mattress is FIRM, even firmer than other infant mattresses I've felt. Like smash your face on it and you're unable to really block your airways firm (yes I tried it). Again, we may be different, but this isn't something that stresses me out or concerns me - so I went with their non-breathable version due to cost for James. Simply got the breathable option for Baby #2 for research purposes basically, ha! And I mean, it can't hurt. 

Last note on Naturepedic - they were the first (and one of the few to this day) EWG Verified mattresses. They were also named on the list of TOP 3 Crib Mattresses by Consumer Reports when evaluating mattresses on safety for baby + safety for the environment (aka air quality around them due to off-gassing, etc) 


Other highly touted mattresses I previously considered... 

  • The Newton Breathable mattress - this is definitely the "it" trending mattress. The breathable + washable aspect of it is huge but *for me* it didn't hit the non-toxic mark I (or I should say Boomer Brenda) was looking for. It is GreenGuard Gold certified however and people love it!! This one is also pricey and not rated in the top 3 by Consumer Reports due to some of the chemicals found in the mattress- so my take is - if you're going to spend more on this item... go Naturepedic for sure. 
  • The Graco Premium Foam Crib Mattress - this is a budget-friendly option I HAVE and NO LONGER RECOMMEND!!! 43K 5-star reviews on Amazon, and is also GreenGuard Gold certified BUT - it was rated pretty poorly by Consumer Reports r/e baby health & safety with this mattress. I bought it for a crib my MIL has at her house - so we use it occasionally and I am not going to trash it now, but meh. Not pleased after reading more about it in the Consumer Reports research I linked above. 
  • If you want to go Budget Friendly - I think the IKEA Mattress seems best based on CR reviews. 



Something you can research for hours and some might prefer a certain *aesthetic* for the nursery which impacts your decision.

I went with a good ole' IKEA crib for James and called it a day. It has served us well so far. Before you call me out, it's not the most non-toxic crib out there, or even close to it. I know, and I was okay with that for this item. 

For Baby #2 I was considering buying the same crib again but stumbled across THIS CRIB - and went with it instead for a few reasons...

  1. It's a bit more aesthetic and slightly cheaper than the IKEA crib 
  2. It is Greenguard Gold Certified and the IKEA crib is not (this means the product passes standards to reduce chemical emissions in indoor air). 
  3. It is a 3-in-1 crib meaning it also converts to a toddler bed & daybed. 
  4. It also comes in 5 different colors!



Another purchase exposing my slightly #crunchier values, LOL. I went with the Vava monitor HERE. 

I don't like the idea of having a monitor with Wifi in my child's bedroom. For some, it's a security concern (there have been known creepers who hack into Wifi enabled monitors) but for me, I value the reduction of EMF around my child's body while they sleep (eye-roll @ me if you need to - I get most people don't care about this or understand me here. Just being completely transparent about what drove my purchases and I won't belabor this statement. BUT if you're curious about EMF, I have some info saved in my IG highlight titled "Baby Research 2) so the Vava was a no-brainer! I'd say it's mid-range price-wise for monitors - and I was okay with the price knowing this is also something you use for years. 

For this monitor with 2 babies - #budgethack - you can simply purchase an additional add-on camera instead of paying more for the split screen monitor. All you have to do is switch back and forth between cameras on screen, I already tested it out. 



I have to mention it due to the hype. A lot of people RAVE about the Nanit monitor - this would align with your values if you want all of the bells, whistles, and sleep tracking that comes with this modern robot monitor LOL.. but it's entirely unnecessary for me (I actually feel like all the sleep tracking/stats would be unhealthy for my type A self and turn me into a complete psychopath), doesn't align with what I value most in a monitor, and is super expensive. You also have to pay for a subscription service to their app for sleep tracking after a certain point. 

As for truly budget friendly monitors THAT ACTUALLY WORK and have solid screen/video quality... I can't find one! I purchased several for my MIL to keep one at her house and took 3 of them back before landing on one that is just OK. Pretty blurry screen still. Anyways...



I really don't think there is a comparable to The Hatch for in the nursery. Is it 1000% necessary? No. But we have used a sound machine nightly since day 1 with James. They really do help to drown out noise and sleep distrubance, esp as your babe gets older and is more sensitive to noise while sleeping. I love the Hatch because it also serves as a nightlight AND is portable from the base if you ever want to bring into another room. I know many parents use this bad boy for years as it also serves well in toddlerhood and beyond thanks to the nightlight. 


Portable Sound Machine - There is zero benefit to having the $40 Hatch version of this. Just grab this one for half the price. We used it on the go, in the hospital, while traveling, etc. 





We LOVE the Baby Letto Kiwi - yes this is a splurge item. But you will use it daily for years and you will spend hours in this thing in the newborn days. It is so clutch in the newborn days. Esp if your babe has sleep struggles like my boy James, whew, you will be so glad you have something with a remote recline and a phone charging port. I LIVED in this and spent many sleepless nights in this chair. The stain resistant fabric is really great as well - from breastmilk to postpartum bodily fluids - I haven't had any issues getting anything out of it! 


Now here is where you can call me crazy - it's fine. I have this Baby Letto recliner as well. We bought it when James was a couple months old for the living room in our old house as seating wasn't great in that space, and like I said, I lived in the recliner with a baby who needed contact sleep. This recliner is better for taller people, I will note. Whole more expensive, the backrest is taller and has a better cushion. We'll now be putting this in the nursery for Baby #2 as the other one is still in James' room for nightly reading, etc. 


As for more budget-friendly options - Obviously I do not own these, but check out this one from Target (note: does not recline) and this one from Walmart. 



I really wasn't sure about this one at first, but boy do I love having something you never have to wash now!! Another item you will use A LOT, but again, the range in prices for these things is insane! 

I ultimately landed with the splurgy Keekaroo changing pad (thanks sista for the bday gift!). Definitely a "nice to have" and not necessary but I had several friends recommend it and advocate for a changing pad that is completely wipeable/doesn't require covers when proofreading my registry. I had the budget-friendly option below on my registry before my sister got me this one. I'd go with the Keekaroo if buying again.

Alternative budget-friendly changing pad with great reviews - this one is inexpensive and "waterproof" although it does require changing pad covers (or most people use them with this!). So, little more laundry in the loads perhaps with this bad boy - but I mean the price is right I do have to say. 



Swaddles: Holy mother of pearl that was trial and error and these are so short lived, I can't even go there ha! We tried them all. I definitely "overbought" here in a frantic no sleep frenzy and missed the return window on some that didn't work. Woof. Guess I now have plenty of options for trial and error with #2. 


Sleep Bags: Wayyyyyyy more universal than swaddles. Once your babe is in a sleep bag, they will be in it for a while. James still sleeps in a sleep bag and we plan to keep him in them so long as they fit to help mitigate climbing out of the crib. So far, this strategy worked wonders.

  • I do love Kyte here, and the fact that their sizing goes up very large, but they are not cheap.
  • I have found a GREAT Kyte Sleep Bag Dupe here, check them out. James is very attached to the Kyte bag fabric, it's like this comfort item. He has to hold onto a sack while sleeping, no Lovies, pacis or anything else. And he thinks the Amazon Kyte dupe is the same thing ha!  


PJs: Oh man do some mothers get carried away with PJs.


CAR SEATS (another area I research for hours).


How I researched: Of course I spent hours scouring websites and baby registry guides of all the "mom experts" online.

  • I also bought @safeintheseat's Car Seat buying guide (she is a certified child passenger safety technician aka CPST).
  • In addition to that, I scoured independent crash test ratings from the likes of Consumer Reports.
  • All car seats must pass the standard NHTSA requirement, but fun fact, the performance criteria is only tested in frontal collision with a dummy at 30MPH. Third part non-profits like Consumer Reports conduct crash tests that are tad more robust - and it was so interesting to review their ratings. 
  • Last little fun fact I learned while researching: a CPST cannot recommend or tell you which car seat they think is safest. Hence why you will see people like @TheCarMom raving about a car seat they like and use a lot, but you won't hear them say things like "this is my favorite" or I think this is "safer" compared to X. And that's fine, I get it, they have to assume and align with NHTSA that all car seats passing NHTSA requirements in the US are safe. But imma lay down the reality here, some are definitely safer than others. I'm not an expert and I will not claim to be, but believing all car seats are created equal from a safety perspective would be like saying a Mini Cooper would hold up in a head-on collision just as well as a dump truck. 


My values here are safety, value/price, and again chemical exposure as this is somewhere a baby spends a considerable about of time. I also like the ability to install with a seat belt in case of emergency or travel. 



Given the above values and requirements - the best fit for me was the Chicco KeyFit 35 Cleartex. We loved it with James, zero regrets. Using again for Baby #2. 

It felt like everyone and their mother raved about the Nuna Pipa Lite, noting it a *must-have*. Don't get me wrong - it is an incredible car seat. But I am SO GLAD I did my research here. The Nuna Pipa is an expensive seat - and infant car seats are only used up until 30-35lbs OR like 32 inches tall pending the seat which isn't *that* long. 

Reasons why my pick is the Chicco KeyFit 35 Cleartex over the Nuna Pipa Lite... and to be clear, I was actually comparing the Chicco KeyFit 35 Cleartex to the Nuna Pipa Lite RX as currently, the RX is the only version of the Nuna Pipa Lite that can be installed with just a seat belt (again this was a requirement for me with grandparents being frequent caretakers, travel in mind, etc). We used the Chicco KeyFit traveling to Florida and it works just dandy with the seat belt installation. 

  1. Safety. After taking Safe In The Seat's car seat safety course (highly recommended btw - she's a Nationally Certified Child Passenger Safety Expert and Founder of "Safe in the Seat")... I felt extremely good about the safety of Chicco KeyFit 35. While the Nuna Pipa Lite RX does get a slightly higher review on safety - with all other things considered like the rear passenger seat safety ratings of my vehicle and my husband's - I feel 1000% content with the Chicco KeyFit 35. 
  2. Price. The Nuna Pipa Lite RX + 1 base = $460. The Chicco KeyFit 35 + 2 bases = $389. AND Chicco gives you 20% off your first purchase from their website, so I got the seat & 2 bases for just over $300. 
  3. Chemicals + Canopy. Both seats are GreenGuard Gold certified with no added chemicals AND a UPF 50 canopy. While historically Chicco has been behind the mark in this camp, they recently upped their game with the ClearTex fabric. 
  4. Weight. This is huge for many and one reason why the Nuna Pipa Lite is so popular. However, the Nuna Pipa Lite RX is just 3 lbs lighter than the Chicco KeyFit 35. I get it, 3lbs is a lot for some people and if you want the lighter seat - the Nuna Pipa Lite is IT. But for me, I'm fine with a better arm workout coupled with the $200+ difference in price. After all - people RAVE & LOVE the uber-heavy Doona car seat (more on my exploration there below). You figure it out and build some arm muscle I guess, ha!


So last thing... I did also explore/research the Doona. WOOF (bare with me). A SUPER POPULAR infant car seat/stroller combo but ultimately strayed away from it due to price, longevity of use (again infant car seats cannot be used that long), and reported awkwardness for tall people (my husband is 6'5), and crash test ratings. Fun Fact - this seat is illegal to use in Canada due to safety concerns and if caught using it there, your insurance can drop you. Price was another big one here. With this car seat, you will also need a more traditional stroller (I will get to those next, but they ain't cheap!!). Many people also feel the need to register for a "normal" infant car seat for the traditional stroller on top of the Doona. Read *ching ching ching* LOTS of money. I've seen registries with this $500 Doona, a regular infant car seat and base around ~$300 (or more if Nuna), PLUS a stroller like the Mockingbird or Uppa Vista 2.. more on those below. Although it seems super convenient for bopping around town or traveling and might make sense for you and your lifestyle, I personally couldn't justify it and honestly don't even know how convieniant it actually is?! According to The Car Mom (mother of 4 and CPST who basically made a living out of using car seats in cars and reviewing them)... the car seat stroller combos are WAY overhyped. In this podcast episode she breaks it down starting at minute 32 and stated of the 43 car seats she owns - she would not keep the Doona if she had to eliminate some.  She actually shares she feels the Doona "competitor" the Evenflo Shyft Dualride is better if you want the infant carseat stroller combo. Personally, if I really want to use one for a trip, I'll seek to borrow one :) 



I think it's crystal clear by now how much I research this stuff. My values are the same here - price/value, safety, and flame-retardant free fabric. I'm going to break down my 3 picks. 

  1. Britax Poplar S: Britax kills the car seat game. With a carbon steel frame, the anti-rebound bar (known added safety feature), flame retardant free fabric, and the patented ClickTight technology making this seat SUPER easy to install... this is my #1 pick. It's not cheap - but definitely cheaper than Nuna, for example, which are poorer quality in my eyes. 
  2. Graco Extend 2 Fit: This is a GREAT budget-friendly option. Only thing I dislike about it is that the fabric is not flame-retardant free, but whatever. Ya win some ya lose some. I let the seat air out my garage for a couple weeks before we used it. We have this seat in my husband's car. 
  3. Chicco Fit360: My opinion, this is the best rotating car seat if that's a feature you would like. I get why people want this now as I am 24 weeks pregnant loading a toddler into a car seat, ha! My Mom wanted a rotating seat for her car, and after research of course comparing them all, we went with this one. 



THE STROLLER (an investment item for me!). 

I basically went with the Mercedes Benz of strollers ok. This one made me cringe a little when I bought it, but man do we love it. I mean, the Amazon reviews do also speak for themselves. 

I have the Uppa Vista 2 - and damn is this baby a TANK. It does it all. We have taken it everywhere and banged it around an airport, the beach, the zoo, and on daily walks with the dog. 

^^ now before I get into why I love it so much, if you know you want this stroller, RUN to this link right now. The Vista 2 has been discontinued and the new model (the Vista 3) pisses me off. More on that below, but for real, this is not just influencer marketing LOL - I thought the Vista 2 was sold out now and I see some left on Amazon for a great price. I literally spoke with members of the Uppa team at a baby product expo 2 weeks ago, and they said they strategically planned inventory to be gone by now to push people to buy the Vista 3. So seriously, if you want it. GO - that price is great and this model will be gone forever soon. 

Ok now why I love it... 

  1. Quality/Durability. A stroller is a piece you will use for years. Quite literally until your child/children are big, strong, and mature enough to not need any pushing around even during long days at the Zoo or at Disney. The Uppa Vista 2 is durable AF. I'm not known to be super light on things and neither are kids, so this was important to me. One of my good friends is still using hers after 8 years and now 4 kids... her direct quote "The Uppa is a tank". Not to mention, because the quality is so great, resale values are solid when you're all said and done. 
  2. Single to Double travel system. I wanted a stroller that could be used for up to 2 kids & as a travel system. With the Uppa Vista, you can add a second seat and it converts into a 2 seater. This will be clutch when baby #2 arrives. Secondly, the Uppa Vista 2 serves as a travel system that is compatible with many infant car seats. This means you can easily click in your infant car seat onto the base of the stroller - a huge convenience for transporting an infant from car to stroller without having to take them out of their car seat.


Now for my BEEF with the Uppa Vista 3. Woof. Ok so in short - the Uppa Vista 3 is like the "redesign" of this stroller. Kinda like when Toyota redesigns the Highlander, the old Highlander model is no longer made and they move on only selling the new one. That's what Uppa did here. And what they changed grinds me gears. They took away the Bassinet as an item that comes with the stroller and increased the price. Ya'll - we used the Bassinet EVERYDAY in the newborn days. It is SO nice for walks outside, or just a portable safe sleeping space in your living room, etc. Now you have the buy the bassinet separately after you purchase the stroller making the total retail price for the stroller + bassinet $1,099. With the Vista 2, it was $999 and the bassinet came with it. I got my Vista 2 on Black Friday in 2022 for $799. On top of de-coupling the bassinet from the stroller, the other enhancements are just meh. I saw them in person. Really the only notable enhancement on the Vista 3 is on the toddler seat, there is now a removable seasonal seat liner. So, in warmer months, you can remove the seat liner to provide a cooler seat for your child with a mesh back. Idk, seems like a bogus redesign to me with a disguised effort to increase pricing. #Inflation I suppose. 


A more affordable Uppa Vista *dupe* I explored = The Mockingbird. I've heard great things about The Mockingbird but ultimately went with the Vista. I "test-drove" them in stores and the Vista was noticeably more durable with a smoother ride. Like I said, I've heard amazing things about the Mockingbird and for a price difference of roughly $500 - it was a decision I thought long and hard about! I was able to snag my Uppa on sale during Black Friday for ~$800 like I shared, so ultimately went with it. 



  • Solly Wrap is a must have in my eyes: I wore this thing NON STOP in the newborn days and James would fall right asleep in it. Allowed me to move around, do the dishes, etc when needed. And it is so soft and so comfortable. 
  • As for the more structured carriers - I failed here. I registered for this Ergobaby carrier which was great once he was older, but really stiff to use until like 5mo of age. If I did it again, I'd buy this carrier (Karrie Locher raves about it IYKYK) along with the Solly and call it a day. 
  • For the love of whatever you believe in LOL - Get outta here with the Artipoppe. I cannot. I don't care how great it is, that pricing is insane for a shorter use item AND there are so many affordable comparables. 




These are both such short-term use items that are hit or miss with babes, do not overspend here. 

  • For the swing, any of these modern day swings that do not SWING back and forth are trash I swear. I see SO MANY moms selling them, saying their baby hated them etc. I had the Maxi Cosi swing bc I found it on resale for $30. But it sucked. We were then gifted a hand-me-down of this swing, chefs kiss. You want the big ole old-school swing back and forth thing, promise. You should see my DMs from Moms on this topic LOL. 

We honestly didn't use the bouncer a ton, but had zero issues with this one. I don't think you need to spend $200 on the Baby Bjorn bouncer here. This isn't an item were a slight improvement in quality makes a huge difference like in a stroller, for example. 

If I did it over - I would just buy this. It's a bouncer/swing combo that isn't over priced. I see many moms raving about it online! 

Another note - A swing or bouncer I think are great items to borrow from someone if you can - if your baby loves it - you know! If they hate it, you didn't waste the dough or precious contributions from someone shopping your registry. 




 We really like this one. It's not the cheapest, but it folds so much more seamlessly than the Graco option. And a pretty good deal for Black Friday right now! 

I do also have the Graco version as it was gifted to me. You can find these a dime a dozen at garage sales!  



Again, so many options here! Also, something you are going to use frequently for an extended period. I wanted something functional, durable, wipeable, and unisex. My husband is going to be carrying this thing too, won't be all on me, ha! 

We went with the Lululemon New Parent Backpack.  We love it and it has held up really well. It comes with a portable diaper changing pad, has clips to easily clip onto strollers, and more.  

*Pro tip* If you or someone you know is a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, coach, athlete, studio/gym owner, military, first responder, doctor, or nurse - you're eligible for a discount! The prenatal personal trainer I worked with offered to order me mine at her discount and I was so thankful! Info is here & here for discounts for those groups of people. 








THE HIGH CHAIR (not a necessity immediately - but was glad I had one ready for James)

I went super boujee here. I was forced into it due to my ONE VALUE when it came to the highchair - SPACE.

Our kitchen/dining area in our old home was tiny and so was our panty & laundry room storage space. We needed something that could be easily pushed up against a wall and kept out while consuming minimal square footage.

  • All that being said, we went with the Stokke Tripp Trapp high chair. Now aside from space, we have loved this chair and used it every day. It is so easy to spray off with a hose and it can serve as a toddler/youth seat up until when your child can sit in a regular chair. Other high chairs have a much shorter life span. 
  • A phenomenal budget-friendly high chair option = the IKEA high chair. I wish so badly it folded up quickly for storage/consumed less space. My mom has it in her home and it works great, but I will say James is really pushing it at 18mo with his size now, and my mom will need a booster or another option moving forward. 
  • This table attaching high chair is another GREAT option that will last up to 36 mo or 37lbs  and simply attaches directly to your counter top. More of a pain to clean tho.  

 A few feeding items I highly recommend... 

  1. These bibs (no need to go pricey - silicone bibs are silicone bibs)
  2. These plates (no need to have 6 plates - we literally have 2.)
  3. This straw cup (recommended by a feeding therapist as straw cups are better than sippy for oral development. Great for starting to learn to drink at an early age up through toddlerhood. James still drinks his milk from one every morning). 


Lastly, one of the most polarizing topics of motherhood it feels... SLEEP TRAINING. 

I'll reiterate again, you do you :) - I am not here to judge and we all have different circumstances. I was hesitant about sleep training but I so desperately needed HELP after returning to work with a baby who was regressing and waking *literally every 45min-1 hour* ALL NIGHT LONG. It was brutal and there was only so much my husband could do as, at this point, the only real soother / the comfort he was seeking was Mom's boob. After about 1 week of returning to work on a botched and strung together *maybe* 3 hours of sleep each night, I quickly learned I could not function at the capacity needed to do my job unless something changed. 


Insert my sleep training research (yes, I research literally everything ðŸĪŠ). I had heard recommendations for 4 The Love of Sleep, Taking Carababies, Moms on Call and a few others. But a few moms I really trusted recommended Well Rested Wee Ones for her more empathetic and customized approach to sleep training. On the flip side, while some raved about the former "sleep coaches" I mentioned, I heard a few first-hand negative reviews on all but Well Rested Wee Ones and *personally* didn't love the idea of the stricter methods more directly in line with cry-it-out. No shade if you're comfortable with that, just sharing how I landed where I did!  

Katy takes a gentler approach that allows for intervention (even picking up your baby if you want to choose that route) and doesn't recommend true "training" until around the 4 month mark which also made me feel a bit more aligned with her values. She offers an online course (most cost-effective and likely suitable for most - I honestly think the course would have been sufficient for us in hindsight) OR 1:1 coaching where you will work DIRECTLY with her or a member of her team for a few days. With the 1:1 method you'll have a 1 hour 1:1 intro call where she really seeks to understand your struggles - you will log sleep/feedings in an app for a few days before beginning so she can assess your needs - and you will then recieve a customized plan to follow with direct email support (we emailed daily just like we were texting!). We splurged a bit with the 1:1 coaching as I was desperate and honestly really nervous about it all - I wanted someone holding my hand!.  


^^ if you're struggling with sleep - I cannot recommend Katy enough!  After working with her (I paid for my services and found her on my own!) she offered to give a discount code to my followers - if you use CODE MAL when booking 1:1 coaching or buying her course - you get a discount!. 



Mal's tips & $avvy tricks to help you (or others buying items for you!) save money on purchases.


  • Shop secondhand / borrow from other mamas when you can!  Don't be above this - for real. While I wouldn't recommend buying a car seat off of FB marketplace or from a garage sale (for anyone naive like I was just a few months ago - car seats have expiration dates and the NHTSA does not recommend continued use after accidents. For these reasons I feel buying used poses more risk than reward) there is so much opportunity to save money by buying/accepting used or borrowing short-term use items from friends! Lean into your network. Reach out to your co-workers, friends, neighbors, etc who might have items they are willing to get rid of/let you borrow. 
    • Many of the items marked "purchased" on my registry, I actually ended up borrowing or buying used for a realllyyyy good price. 
    • I will denote when I did this where applicable - but s/o to a couple of my local mama friends Alex & Lauren. Here's a short list of smaller short-term use items I am borrowing or gladly accepted used items that are no longer needed in homes with children past the age of use. Again, thanks to the generosity of just a couple of other moms! I definitely plan to support others down the road in this fashion! 
  • Lean into retailers/auction sites where you can purchase like-new items (oftentimes just a damaged box, etc) for a significant discount! 
    • is incredible. You can also sell items here if needed down the road! And if you live in Dallas, Denver, Houston, NYC, Philly, or Alexandria - they have physical stores/warehouses in your city! 
    • For my local KC folks - my famous auction site is EquipBids. IYKYK!!! Items found here are sold off truckloads from major retailers who offload returned items as opposed to re-processing them back into inventory for re-sale on their own behalf. So much good baby stuff can be found here @ MAJOR discounts. If you're not local to KC, scour for something like this in your area. 


 ...and FINALLY - the link to my Amazon storefront!  I have curated lists of "NO BS Baby Items" by age category and you will find some smaller items I didn't take the time to detail out here. Like the famous baby lifejacket I've shared, etc. 


Alright fam - signing out. Whew! If you made it this far or felt this blog was worthy in any way, please share with a fellow mama friend! I am so thankful for all of the mamas who sent me helpful lists and guides. 


Xx  Mal


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